The IR circuit can be used to switch devices using TV Remote. Normal circuits can switch only one device. But using this circuit, different devices can be controlled using same remote with different switches. In this circuit, we interfaced 8 devices. These devices are switched using remote keypad -1 to 8. AT89S52 microcontroller is used to control the inputs and outputs. TSOP 1738 (infrared receiver) is used to receive the infrared signals from TV Remote. ULN2803 (High voltage, high current) buffer is used to drive relays.
Circuit Diagram:
IR Decode Circuit
RC-5 Protocol: To understand the operation the details of RC-5 Protocol has to be studied.
Buy an 8 channel relay board for easy installation as the board will contain relay mate connectors for connecting the switch board wires. Post your doubts if you have any...
Hi,. Can you provide me source code for IR decoder Circuit controlling relay, and which protocol you used RC5 or SIRC.
Which remote you used Philips or Sony
hiii can u provide us the code for ir decoder circuit
download file from here..
hi,can u specify me which remote can be used for this? can we connect any electrical devices to this? Is there any power considerations?
sir,i want relays ratings(or)values.AND program of REMOTE HOME APPLIANCE 8 CHENNEL. please tell me......
sir,i want relays ratings(or)values.AND program of REMOTE HOME APPLIANCE 8 CHENNEL. please tell me......
My favorite device is to be my white knight dryer. Now, in the devices are, spinners are generally not included in the Top 10 Hall of Fame for kitchen appliances, but in my book when weighing up the practice, value for money, efficiency and performance My White Knight Spin Dryer definitely meets all the requirements. Now, for those unfamiliar with this rare beauty, please let me enlighten about the wonders of my Whizzer White Knight, precisely, and affectionately known as "Hercules" in my house. The White Knight Spin Dryer may seem small and unassuming, I assure you that put this little gem is small but packs a powerful punch when it comes to the drying rate and time, compared with most large commercial and Dry condensed or broken.
Appliance Repair North Vancouver
can u plz.. tell me one thing in your circut dig. u show to 20 no. pins of microcontroller plz.. clear my dout
actually there are 40 pins in the microcontroller. 20th pin is the ground.
I need a decoder for it
webbing slings
can you give me a programming in microcontroller
where is the code?
hello sir i have to need code for micro controller
Where is the code available ?
i have to need home appliance code
hello sir i have to need code for micro controller
Thank you. Your blog was very helpful and efficient For Me,Thanks for Sharing the information.
sir i can,t get the logic value of ir remote by which i can compare and operate my appliances please help me
sir please mail me the ir data by which i cam solve this.
thanks for giving brief information,please send the code to interface the 8 relays and some more information about the id is
i need the code for controller and ratings of mail is
I need a decoder for it
Electrical Home Appliance
Plz Sir can you send me the code of TSOP 1738 interfacing with 8051
can u plz provide code for this...or a link by which i can learn how to code for this..
; ;
; TV Remote based home appliance switching system. ;
; Like--> http// ;
; 05/01/2017 ;
; ;
; ;
VAR1 equ r7 ;Temporary Variable
TEMP equ 10H ;Temp variable
COUNT equ 11H ;Count
ADDR equ 12H ;Device address
CMD equ 13H ;Command
FLIP bit 00H ;Flip bit
TOG bit 01H ;Temp bit for flip
IR equ P3.3 ;IR Receiver connected to this pin
SW1 equ P1.0 ;Switch 1 connected here
SW2 equ P1.1 ;Switch 2 connected here
SW3 equ P1.2 ;Switch 3 connected here
SW4 equ P1.3 ;Switch 4 connected here
SW5 equ P1.4 ;Switch 5 connected here
SW6 equ P1.5 ;Switch 6 connected here
SW7 equ P1.6 ;Switch 7 connected here
SW8 equ P1.7 ;Switch 8 connected here
SWport equ P1 ;Port at which switches are connected
org 00H ;Start of prog
mov SWport,#00H ;switch all relays off!
mov sp,#50H ;Stack pointer initialization
clr TOG ;Clear temp bit
jb IR,$ ;Wait for first bit
mov VAR1,#255 ;3.024mS delay
djnz VAR1,$
mov VAR1,#255
djnz VAR1,$
mov VAR1,#255
djnz VAR1,$
mov VAR1,#255
djnz VAR1,$
mov VAR1,#255
djnz VAR1,$
mov VAR1,#100
djnz VAR1,$
mov c,IR ;Read Flip bit
mov FLIP,c
clr A
mov COUNT,#5 ;Count for address
mov VAR1,#255 ;1.728mS delay for each bit
djnz VAR1,$
mov VAR1,#255
djnz VAR1,$
mov VAR1,#255
djnz VAR1,$
mov VAR1,#4
djnz VAR1,$
mov c,IR
rlc a
djnz COUNT,fadd
mov ADDR,A ;Save the address
clr a
mov COUNT,#6 ;Count for Command
mov VAR1,#255 ;1.728mS Delay for each bit
djnz VAR1,$
mov VAR1,#255
djnz VAR1,$
mov VAR1,#255
djnz VAR1,$
mov VAR1,#4
djnz VAR1,$
mov c,IR
rlc a
djnz COUNT,fcmd
mov TEMP,CMD ;Save the old command
mov CMD,a ;Save the new command
mov a,ADDR ;Cheack for valid address
cjne a,#00,nvalid
mov a,TEMP
cjne a,CMD,valid ;Check for valid command
ljmp main
valid: ;Key press check
clr a
mov c,FLIP
rlc a
mov TEMP,a
clr a
mov c,TOG
rlc a
cjne a,TEMP,valid1
sjmp nvalid
mov c,FLIP
mov TOG,c
mov a,CMD
clr c
cjne a,#1,skip1 ;Check for SW1
jb SW1,isset1
setb SW1
ljmp main
clr SW1
ljmp main
cjne a,#2,skip2 ;Check for SW2
jb SW2,isset2
setb SW2
ljmp main
clr SW2
ljmp main
cjne a,#3,skip3 ;Check for SW3
jb SW3,isset3
setb SW3
ljmp main
clr SW3
ljmp main
cjne a,#4,skip4 ;Check for SW4
jb SW4,isset4
setb SW4
ljmp main
clr SW4
ljmp main
cjne a,#5,skip5 ;Check for SW5
jb SW5,isset5
setb SW5
ljmp main
clr SW5
ljmp main
cjne a,#6,skip6 ;Check for SW6
jb SW6,isset6
setb SW6
ljmp main
clr SW6
ljmp main
cjne a,#7,skip7 ;Check for SW7
jb SW7,isset7
setb SW7
ljmp main
clr SW7
ljmp main
cjne a,#8,skip8 ;Check for SW8
jb SW8,isset8
setb SW8
ljmp main
clr SW8
ljmp main
cjne a,#0CH,exit ;Check for all switches
mov SWport,#00H
ljmp main
ljmp main
END ;End of program
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